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Graffiti and Tech

Graffiti has always been a part of the urban landscape, but now it's starting to interact with technology in new and exciting ways. With the rise of augmented reality (AR), street artists are using this technology to transform the walls and buildings of cities into interactive and immersive experiences.

AR allows artists to create virtual layers over physical spaces, which can be viewed through the camera of a smartphone or tablet. Street artists are using this technology to create unique and dynamic art pieces that interact with the world around them. For example, artists can create animations that appear to jump out of a wall or overlay digital images onto existing artwork.

One such example is street artist KAWS, who has used AR technology to create an immersive art experience in New York City's Central Park. His "Companion" sculpture was brought to life through AR, allowing viewers to interact with the sculpture in new and exciting ways. Another artist, AR Graffiti, has developed an AR app that allows users to tag virtual graffiti onto real-world surfaces. This technology opens up new avenues for creative expression and allows artists to push the boundaries of what is possible with street art.

In addition to creating unique works of art, AR graffiti also has the potential to transform how we view and interact with urban spaces. By overlaying virtual content onto physical spaces, AR can add an extra layer of depth and meaning to the world around us. This technology can be used to highlight important social issues or to showcase the beauty of a city in a new and innovative way.

As the use of AR technology continues to expand, it's exciting to see how street artists are taking advantage of this new tool to push the boundaries of their creativity. By using augmented reality, they are transforming urban spaces into digital canvases, and creating unique and immersive experiences that push the limits of what we thought was possible with street art.

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